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East Lake Little League (Tarpon Springs, Florida)

East Lake Boundary

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Eligibility to play at East Lake Little League is governed
by one of the following methods: 

1.  The player lives within the East Lake Little League boundary (click "Find Your League" link above). 
2.  The player attends school within the East Lake Little League boundary (Cypress Woods Elem, Brooker Creek Elem, East Lake Middle, East Lake High or any private/charter school within the League’s boundary).  Siblings of players using option 2 may register in the same league as well. Please contact the Player Agent for details at [email protected].

3. The player was an East Lake Little League participant during the Spring 2016 season eligible via options 1 or 2 above.  If the player has moved since last Spring, but still desires to play at East Lake Little League, a special Little League waiver must be obtained for this method of eligibility.  Please contact the Player Agent at [email protected] for the appropriate form and instructions.

4. Another League (Tarpon Springs Little League, Holiday Little League, Oldsmar Little League, etc) elects to charter a combined team with East Lake Little League.  This process starts with the player registering in their home Little League, then both Leagues work together to create the combined teams.

5. The player is granted a Boundary Waiver from Little League.  This method is reserved for special circumstances and hardships.  Please contact the Player Agent for details regarding a Boundary Waiver Request [email protected]
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